Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I've had this little obsession of pens and stationery ever since I got into Moleskine hacks, of blogs where people mention the pens and such they use for the little beauty.

I'd admit that I wasn't very happy about the stationery I have, before this obsession started. My pens, well, my ball pens, literally speaking, either the ink stopped half way through its first usage, or it just stopped in the first place, right after I bought the pen, which was working perfectly fine at the shop.

I consider myself pretty unlucky with ink pens, so I switch to the gel ones, still the problem exists, only to be from always to often. Yet it's better than nothing at all.

And that's how I've made it through for like, many many years, with constantly buying new pens and constantly throwing new pens away.

Still I have my passion for pens, I keep trying new brands and models and such, ranging from Bic to Pilot and to Muji and to some unknown brand from outer space. And now, I'm quite happy about my pens, all of them(well not really, still) are working well and I love them. The only problem is of which one to use everytime I write. :)

So there they are, some of the pens I am using right now:

Pilot G-2 0.5 Blue

Muji 0.38 Gel pen Blue

Zebra J-Sharbo Black

Stabilo galaxy 818M Blue

BIC Bu2 Red

I can't be bothered to set up a Picasa acc to post the pics this go google if you're interested! :P Sorry.

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